oldest leveraged etf

"private_data_owning_users": "[]", David Ells', 'Steven A. Warren', 'Daniel J. Meehan', 'Joseph A. Travia', 'Patricia Van Kampen']", "2018 00:00": "" "2017 00:00": "", "2009 00:00": "", { data: 'name' } , { data: 'rank' }, , table.dataTable tbody th.dt-body-justify,table.dataTable tbody td.dt-body-justify { text-align:justify } "1999 00:00": "", ", (Video) Chip Shortage Analysis. "2002 00:00": "", null, "2017 00:00": "", } "31": [ "2014 00:00": "", { If you had held some of the oldest (pre-2008) ones through the crash you eventually outperformed traditional S&P funds but it would have taken you an extra ~3 years to get back to breakeven. "2001 00:00": "", table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even.selected>.sorting_1,table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even.selected>.sorting_1 { background-color:#acbad5 } table.dataTable tbody td:first-child { padding: 0 4px 0 8px !important } null, "2004 00:00": "", ", "2010 00:00": "", "2005 00:00": "", null, "is_available_through_managed_account": "", "2016 00:00": "", "2009 00:00": "", "2001 00:00": "", To research individual funds and find out if they make sense for your portfolio and investment objectives, take note of the ticker symbol in parenthesis at the end of each fund's name. "2007 00:00": "", "strategy_description": "This fund aims to track Nikkei 225 by investing in not less than 200 stocks included in the index at equal number of shares. "2002 00:00": "", }, "is_active": true, "management_company_city": "New York", table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover.selected>.sorting_2,table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover.selected>.sorting_2 { background-color:#a3b0c9 } { null, Edgefolio Team null, "exact_name": "Vanguard Small Cap Index Fund", "annualized_volatility": 14.75, P. Morgan Chase Bank', 'Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP']", The Nationwide Risk-Managed Income ETF ( NUSI) offers investors a strong 7.4% yield and downside protection, perfect for income investors and retirees. "2000 00:00": "", "2013 00:00": "", "2004 00:00": "", "share_classes": "[{'name': 'Nomura Cumulative Equity Fund', 'currency': 'JPY'}]", Leveraged ETFs can produce. "last_three_years_performance": 42.34, "29": [], "2014 00:00": "", "28": [], null, null, "strategy": "US Equity Large Cap Blend", "2008 00:00": "", "managers": "['George U. Sauter', 'Scott E. Geiger', 'Michelle Louie', 'Donald M. Butler', 'Michael H. Buek']", null, "is_ucits_compliant": null, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc { background-image:url("https://cdn.datatables.net/v/dt/dt-1.10.18/DataTables-1.10.18/images/sort_desc.png") } "managers": "['Raju Jobanputra', 'Tim Beaven', 'Not Disclosed', 'Neil Higgins', 'Helen Stuart']", "2018 00:00": "" "strategy": "US Equity Large Cap Blend", "2004 00:00": "", "2018 00:00": "" "is_private_data": false, "30": [ null, "2000 00:00": "", "2009 00:00": "", table.dataTable { width: 1100px !important; margin-left: calc((100% - 1100px) / 2); clear:both; border-collapse:separate; border-spacing:0; border: 1px solid #e7eaeb; border-radius: 8px; font-family: Graphik, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; padding: 4px 0 12px; background-color: #f9f9f9; max-width: none; } null, table.dataTable.league-table { margin-left: calc((100% - 96vw) / 2); width: 96vw !important } null, KB Home ( KBH 0.43%) rose 11% on . "2001 00:00": "", "2006 00:00": "", "2010 00:00": "", "share_classes": "[{'name': 'GWL Equity Index (G) DSC', 'currency': 'CAD'}, {'name': 'GWL Equity Index (G) 75/75 (PS1)', 'currency': 'CAD'}, {'name': 'GWL Equity Index (G) 75/100 (PS1)', 'currency': 'CAD'}, {'name': 'GWL Equity Index (G)100/100 (PP)', 'currency': 'CAD'}, {'name': 'GWL Equity Index (G)75/100 (PP)', 'currency': 'CAD'}, {'name': 'GWL Equity Index (G)75/75 (PP)', 'currency': 'CAD'}, {'name': 'GWL Equity Index (G)100/100 (P)', 'currency': 'CAD'}, {'name': 'GWL Equity Index (G)75/100 (P)', 'currency': 'CAD'}, {'name': 'GWL Equity Index (G)75/75 (P)', 'currency': 'CAD'}, {'name': 'GWL Equity Index (G) 75/75', 'currency': 'CAD'}, {'name': 'GWL Equity Index (G) 75/75 (PS2)', 'currency': 'CAD'}, {'name': 'GWL Equity Index (G) NL', 'currency': 'CAD'}, {'name': 'GWL Equity Index (G) 100/100 (PS2)', 'currency': 'CAD'}, {'name': 'GWL Equity Index (G) 75/100', 'currency': 'CAD'}, {'name': 'GWL Equity Index (G) 75/100 (PS2)', 'currency': 'CAD'}, {'name': 'GWL Equity Index (G) 100/100', 'currency': 'CAD'}, {'name': 'GWL Equity Index (G) 100/100 (PS1)', 'currency': 'CAD'}]", "last_updated": "2019-08-31T01:00:00+01:00", null, "2014 00:00": "", null, "2016 00:00": "", "latest_month": "Aug-19", "2012 00:00": "", "30": [ "2013 00:00": "", null, "31": [ "2011 00:00": "", One of the oldest ETFs still in existence Cons Constructed as a trust, may provide less efficiency compared to a true ETF Tech-heavy, can be more volatile than S&P 500 ETFs QQQ or TQQQ:. "2012 00:00": "", "2016 00:00": "", "2016 00:00": "", "2002 00:00": "", "is_active": true, { "2002 00:00": "", "1999 00:00": "", "year_to_date": 18.25, "2014 00:00": "", "2018 00:00": "" "2006 00:00": "", "2002 00:00": "", "2015 00:00": "", "2015 00:00": "", "We're excited to bring our Tausight partnership to our clients and leverage our deep operational experience in the healthcare . { data: 'last_three_years_performance' } "year_to_date": 18.15, "is_active": true, null, table.dataTable th.dt-center,table.dataTable td.dt-center,table.dataTable td.dataTables_empty { text-align:center } "2007 00:00": "", "2011 00:00": "", Barclays entered the ETF business in 1996 and Vanguard began offering ETFs in 2001. It's important to note that given how often these funds are rebalanced . "2016 00:00": "", "allowed_platform_user_groups": "['MSTAR_etf_licensees']", "2006 00:00": "", "2007 00:00": "", "passported_countries": "['CAN']", "28": [], "methodology": "UK Large-Cap Blend Equity", null, "managers": "['R. "2011 00:00": "", "2000 00:00": "", "28": [], "allowed_platform_user_groups": "['MSTAR_etf_licensees']", "2005 00:00": "", "track_record_months": 432, "2010 00:00": "", "annualized_volatility": 14.71, Warning: That double and triple performance applies to the downside as well as the upside. "2005 00:00": "", "last_three_years_performance": 43.19, "annualized_volatility": 20.06, ", "annualized_volatility": 15.89, } "passported_countries": "['GBR']", null, null, "private_data_owning_users": "[]", null, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button { box-sizing:border-box; display:inline-block; min-width:1.5em; padding:0.5em 1em; margin-left:2px; text-align:center; text-decoration:none !important; cursor:pointer; *cursor:hand; color:#333 !important; border:1px solid transparent; border-radius:2px } "2008 00:00": "", "2003 00:00": "", null, "2016 00:00": "", They can be upwardly leveraged or inversed. "29": [], "2017 00:00": "", } "2018 00:00": "" null, } "2009 00:00": "", null, null, "share_classes": "[{'name': 'Vanguard 500 Index Investor', 'currency': 'USD'}, {'name': 'Vanguard 500 Index Institutional Select', 'currency': 'USD'}, {'name': 'Vanguard 500 Index Admiral', 'currency': 'USD'}, {'name': 'Vanguard S&P 500 ETF', 'currency': 'USD'}]", null, So, because TSLL. ], .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_length,.dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_filter,.dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_info,.dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_processing,.dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate { color:#333 } }, "2007 00:00": "", .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_scroll { clear:both } "compounded_annual_return": 11.06, This pair is the least volatile of the five, with SPXL moving an. ], "location": "{'lon': -104.8912817, 'lat': 39.6104586}", "2001 00:00": "", "allowed_investor_types": "['Non-Retail', 'Retail']", The oldest leveraged ETF in existence is the Profund UltraBull, ULPIX, introduced in 1997. { // put a percent sign "last_three_years_performance": 30.8, "2012 00:00": "", @media screen and (max-width: 420px) { /* mobile */ "allowed_platform_user_groups": "['MSTAR_etf_licensees']", The following table includes certain tax information for all Leveraged ETFs listed on U.S. exchanges that are currently tracked by ETF Database, including applicable short-term and long-term capital gains rates and the tax form on which gains or losses in each ETF will be reported. "fund_id": 76281, DIA's MER is affordable, as it is a passive ETF. null, "1999 00:00": "", .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate { margin-top:0.5em } "2004 00:00": "", "2008 00:00": "", Our leveraged ETFs are powerful tools built to help you: Magnify your short-term perspective with daily 3X leverage; Go where there's opportunity, with bull and bear funds for both sides of the trade; and; Stay agile - with liquidity to trade through rapidly changing markets "is_edited_by_manager": false, "2004 00:00": "", "2006 00:00": "", "28": [], "2008 00:00": "", "2007 00:00": "", null, It provides the most data that we have and it has not been kind to the investor since inception: Data from portfoliovisualizer.com null, "management_company_name": "Vanguard Group Inc", "2008 00:00": "", Click on an ETF ticker or name to go to its detail page, for in-depth news, financial data and graphs. "management_company_city": "Valley Forge", "management_company_city": "Valley Forge", "managers": "['Susan M. Ellison', 'Thomas J. Durante', 'Alexander C. Huberts', 'Richard A. "2003 00:00": "", "2017 00:00": "", Here's a quick guide: ProShares UltraPro QQQ TQQQ. "2010 00:00": "", "2015 00:00": "", "managers": "['George U. Sauter', 'William A. Coleman', 'Ronald Mischner', 'Gerard C. OReilly', 'Michael H. Buek']", "2018 00:00": "" "2011 00:00": "", Where appropriate, the Trust may use Transferable Securities, Approved Money Market Instruments, units in Collective Investment Schemes, deposits and cash or near cash. "2005 00:00": "", "is_aifmd_compliant": "", table.dataTable tbody th.dt-body-center,table.dataTable tbody td.dt-body-center { text-align:center } "2011 00:00": "", "year_to_date": 15.23, "allowed_platform_user_groups": "['MSTAR_etf_licensees']", "28": [], }, } "2013 00:00": "", First up is the oldest ETF, the SPDR S&P 500 ( SPY) and its 3x leveraged counterpart, the S&P 500 Direxion 3x ETF ( SPXL ). "2003 00:00": "", { "manager_selection_status": "", "2009 00:00": "", "management_company_location": "{'lon': -75.419471, 'lat': 40.073868}" "2008 00:00": "", "2006 00:00": "", "2014 00:00": "", "31": [ ", null, This page contains certain technical information for all Leveraged ETFs that are listed on U.S. exchanges and tracked by ETF Database. "2018 00:00": "" "2001 00:00": "", "is_private_data": false, "2005 00:00": "", "2010 00:00": "", "management_company_location": "{'lon': -73.9790586, 'lat': 40.7631087}" "maximum_drawdown": -50.9, null, table.dataTable tbody th.dt-body-left,table.dataTable tbody td.dt-body-left { text-align:left } The links in the table below will guide you to various analytical resources for the relevant ETF, including an X-ray of holdings, official fund fact sheet, or objective analyst report. "2010 00:00": "", "manager_selection_status": "", null, "2003 00:00": "", null, table.dataTable.nowrap th,table.dataTable.nowrap td { white-space:nowrap } } table.dataTable thead th.dt-head-nowrap,table.dataTable thead td.dt-head-nowrap,table.dataTable tfoot th.dt-head-nowrap,table.dataTable tfoot td.dt-head-nowrap { white-space:nowrap } "2018 00:00": "" "year_to_date": 17.72, "2009 00:00": "", "management_company_country": "United Kingdom", Click on the tabs below to see more information on Leveraged ETFs, including historical performance, dividends, holdings, expense ratios, technical indicators, analysts reports and more. table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even.selected>.sorting_2,table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even.selected>.sorting_2 { background-color:#aebcd6 } Bitcoin ETFs List Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency created in 2009 by an unknown figure under the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. { & Prod. "name": "Nomura Cumulative Equity Fund", { Mellon uses full replication to construct the portfolio, holding each security in the index in its proportionate weight. "latest_month_performance": -1.59, "name": "Comerica S&P 500 Index CIT", "allowed_investor_types": "['Retail']", As an Edgefolio client, you can segment or group any funds youd like into a peer analysis report. table.dataTable tfoot th,table.dataTable tfoot td { padding:10px 18px 6px 18px; border-top:1px solid #111 } { "strategy_description": "The investment objective is to provide investment returns consistent with the S&P/TSX Composite Index in the long-term. null, "2015 00:00": "", To investigate, we consider two sets of the oldest leveraged ETFs: 34 ProShares +2X and -2X leveraged equity index ETFs (17 matched long-short pairs), with start date 3/14/07 (limited by the youngest fund), which track U.S. broad market and sector indexes. "2014 00:00": "", .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate { float:right; text-align:right; padding-top:0.25em } "last_three_years_performance": 43.3, "2010 00:00": "", null, "2014 00:00": "", null, "2015 00:00": "", "is_private_data": false, null, "2002 00:00": "", null, "2012 00:00": "", "maximum_drawdown": -13.62, null, "2016 00:00": "", "2018 00:00": "" null, "compounded_annual_return": 9.99, ", "2002 00:00": "", "exact_name": "Comerica S&P 500 Index CIT", table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even.selected>.sorting_3,table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even.selected>.sorting_3 { background-color:#afbdd8 } "2014 00:00": "", The table below includes the number of holdings for each ETF and the percentage of assets that the top ten assets make up, if applicable. "latest_month_performance": -4.03, "2014 00:00": "", "2008 00:00": "", "28": [], "2002 00:00": "", "2010 00:00": "", Futures Screener . "2017 00:00": "", { "29": [], { "2001 00:00": "", null, "2005 00:00": "", "latest_month_performance": -3.93, "management_company_name": "State Street Global Advisors", If youre interested in using this technology to delight your investors, contact us here. "compounded_annual_return": 10.95, "2016 00:00": "", "methodology": "Canadian Equity", "2004 00:00": "", } ], "manager_selection_status": "", "location": "{'lon': -71.0524201, 'lat': 42.3445441}", "is_available_through_managed_account": "", This cryptocurrency is built on the foundational principles of blockchain, which allows for a recorded inemutable, decentralized ledger of transactions to be maintained on a distributed network with no single point of failure. As of the end of 2018, there weremore than one hundred distinct issuers of ETFs. { data: 'management_company_name' }, "2010 00:00": "", "2000 00:00": "", "2007 00:00": "", "2002 00:00": "", table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even>.sorting_2,table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even>.sorting_2 { background-color:#fcfcfc } "2013 00:00": "", ], "maximum_drawdown": -53.02, The State Street SPDR S&P 500 ETF is not only the oldest U.S. listed exchange-traded fund, but it also typically has both the largest assets under management (AUM) and highest trading volume of . { "2006 00:00": "", null, Easily browse and evaluate ETFs by visiting our Responsible Investing themes section and find ETFs that map to various environmental, social and governance themes. null, Masters', 'Management Team', 'Judith A. DeVivo']", The following list of bond exchange-traded funds is sorted by category, from short-term bond ETFs to leveraged bond ETFs and everything in between. "2000 00:00": "", "2008 00:00": "", null, "2005 00:00": "", "fund_id": 21355, They aren't really designed as long-term products and are more suited to active investors. "maximum_drawdown": -50.97, null, "2005 00:00": "", Although the first American ETF launched in 1993, it took 15 more years to see the first actively-managed ETF to reach the market. { "2018 00:00": "" "fund_id": 66940, Fund Flows in millions of U.S. "management_company_city": "Dallas", "2014 00:00": "", Brown', 'Karen Q. Wong', 'Lowell J. Bennett', 'Warren Chiang', 'Todd W. Wakefield', 'John C. Bailer', 'Edward R. Walter', 'Brian C. Ferguson', 'Stephen Murphy', 'Thant Han', 'John E Hosa', 'Jeffrey Burger', 'Daniel Marques', 'Jay A. Malikowski', 'Robert C. Zeuthen', 'James D Kaniclides', 'Amanda A Abdella', 'James A. Lydotes', 'Frederica Josephine Shea', 'John R Porter', 'Anthony Honko', 'Amy Lowen', 'Sara K Cummins', 'Patrick Kent', 'Scott Zaleski', 'Nathaniel A Hyde', 'Jonathan Mauceli', 'Linda Lam', 'Mark A. Bogar', 'Matthew N. Fontaine', 'James M. Boyd', 'Dale A. Dutile', 'Joseph M. Corrado', 'Thomas C. Casey', 'David R. Bowser', 'Bradley J. Bennett', 'Sean P. Fitzgibbon']", This method limits the need for rebalancing and substantially reduces transaction costs relative to other indexing methods. "location": "{'lon': -73.9790586, 'lat': 40.7631087}", The scheme aims . null, { table.dataTable tbody td, table.dataTable thead th { padding: 0 16px 0 1px !important } "name": "GWL Equity Index (G)75/75 (PS1)", "2012 00:00": "", null, "2007 00:00": "", null, The ProShares UltraShort S&P 500 ETF ( NYSEMKT:SDS) is an inverse leveraged ETF designed to return two times the opposite of the S&P 500's daily performance. "2009 00:00": "", The following table includes ESG Scores and other descriptive information for all Leveraged ETFs listed on U.S. exchanges that are currently tracked by ETF Database. "location": "{'lon': -71.091112, 'lat': 42.270774}", "2016 00:00": "", null, P. Morgan Chase Bank NA', 'Vanguard Group Inc', 'Vanguard Marketing Corporation', 'Vanguard Group Inc', 'J. "2006 00:00": "", null, "security_type": "ETF", "isin_numbers": "[]", "2008 00:00": "", "2010 00:00": "", "2003 00:00": "", "2000 00:00": "", "2012 00:00": "", "2015 00:00": "", { "2015 00:00": "", { "1999 00:00": "", table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr>.sorting_1,table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr>.sorting_2,table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr>.sorting_3,table.dataTable.display tbody tr>.sorting_1,table.dataTable.display tbody tr>.sorting_2,table.dataTable.display tbody tr>.sorting_3 { background-color:#fafafa } They can track any asset, such as stocks, various market sectors, bonds or futures contracts. "2010 00:00": "", "2017 00:00": "", Every blue moon, I find someone. , "managers": "[]", "2017 00:00": "", "2006 00:00": "", "28": [], "2013 00:00": "", { table.dataTable tbody th,table.dataTable tbody td { padding:8px 10px } "last_updated": "2019-08-31T01:00:00+01:00", null, } var data = [ { "style": "Fixed Income", They can track any asset, such as stocks, various market sectors, bonds or futures contracts. "2017 00:00": "", "2002 00:00": "", "2000 00:00": "", "domicile_country": "USA", null, "2018 00:00": "" null, Barclays entered the ETF business in 1996and Vanguard began offering ETFs in 2001. "style": "Equity", null, .dataTables_wrapper { position:relative; clear:both; *zoom:1; zoom:1 } \nIn order to accurately track this Index, the trust's investments will closely replicate the holdings in that index. "inception_date": "", "region_exposure": "US", "2013 00:00": "", @media screen and (max-width: 1099px) { /* tablet */ "2006 00:00": "", "1999 00:00": "", "2017 00:00": "", table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc_disabled { background-image:url("https://cdn.datatables.net/v/dt/dt-1.10.18/DataTables-1.10.18/images/sort_asc_disabled.png") } "2005 00:00": "", } "last_updated": "2019-08-31T01:00:00+01:00", . "service_providers": "['Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co Ltd', 'Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.', 'Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited']", "2015 00:00": "", "last_three_years_performance": 14.43, "strategy_description": "The fund seeks to achieve long term capital growth by tracking the total return of the FTSE4Good UK 50 share index or such other similar index as the Manager shall consider appropriate (the Index). null, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button:active { outline:none; background-color:#2b2b2b; background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #2b2b2b), color-stop(100%, #0c0c0c)); background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #2b2b2b 0%, #0c0c0c 100%); background:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #2b2b2b 0%, #0c0c0c 100%); background:-ms-linear-gradient(top, #2b2b2b 0%, #0c0c0c 100%); background:-o-linear-gradient(top, #2b2b2b 0%, #0c0c0c 100%); background:linear-gradient(to bottom, #2b2b2b 0%, #0c0c0c 100%); box-shadow:inset 0 0 3px #111 } "2014 00:00": "", ] table.dataTable thead th:first-child { padding-right: 16px !important } "management_company_location": "{'lon': -104.8912817, 'lat': 39.6104586}" "2016 00:00": "", "2005 00:00": "", "2007 00:00": "", P. Morgan Chase Bank NA', 'Northwestern Mutual Life Ins', 'Mason Street Advisors, LLC', 'State Street Bank & Trust Co', 'Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP']", "2004 00:00": "", "last_updated": "2019-08-31T01:00:00+01:00", "2004 00:00": "", "30": [ "domicile_country": "USA", "strategy_description": "The investment seeks to achieve investment results that approximate the performance of the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index (\"S&P 500 Index\").\n The Portfolio employs a \"passive management,\" or indexing, investment approach designed to track the performance of the S&P 500 Index. The ProShares Ultra Russell2000 (UWM): Delivers 2x the daily performance of the Russell 2000 Index. Please note that the list may not contain newly issued ETFs. "2014 00:00": "", "maximum_drawdown": -50.91, "management_company_name": "Vanguard Group Inc", "service_providers": "['J. "2010 00:00": "", "2010 00:00": "", "2016 00:00": "", paging: false, { "year_to_date": 11.45, null, "2015 00:00": "", "2008 00:00": "", null, "style": "Equity", null, "management_company_name": "AllianceBernstein LP. "2012 00:00": "", { "track_record_months": 549, MSCI ESG is a Registered Investment Adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. null, null, Get Started null, "2002 00:00": "", table.dataTable thead th.dt-head-right,table.dataTable thead td.dt-head-right,table.dataTable tfoot th.dt-head-right,table.dataTable tfoot td.dt-head-right { text-align:right } In today's episode of the Market Foolery podcast, Chris Hill talks with Motley Fool Asset Management's Bill Barker about earnings, ETFs, and the virtues of coffee. null, "share_classes": "[{'name': 'Vanguard Small Cap Index I', 'currency': 'USD'}, {'name': 'Vanguard Small Cap Index Adm', 'currency': 'USD'}, {'name': 'Vanguard Small-Cap ETF', 'currency': 'USD'}, {'name': 'Vanguard Small Cap Index InstlPlus', 'currency': 'USD'}, {'name': 'Vanguard Small Cap Index Inv', 'currency': 'USD'}]", .dataTables_wrapper:after { visibility:hidden; display:block; content:""; clear:both; height:0 } }, null, "location": "{'lon': -75.419471, 'lat': 40.073868}", "1999 00:00": "", "fund_id": 61446, "2005 00:00": "", "maximum_drawdown": -53.95, ETF Screener . "2009 00:00": "", data[j][row]['track_record_months'] = Math.round(data[j][row]['track_record_months'] / 12) + " years"; // 2 dp "2014 00:00": "", By default the list is ordered by descending total market capitalization. "31": [ columnDefs: [ "allowed_investor_types": "['Retail']", null, "region_exposure": "North America ex-US", "2001 00:00": "", SOXL ETF (Premier Study & Investing) null, "manager_selection_status": "", @media screen and (max-width: 640px) { .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_length,.dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_filter { float:none; text-align:center } "2015 00:00": "", "2001 00:00": "", "2004 00:00": "", "30": [ null, "2010 00:00": "", "allowed_investor_types": "['Retail']", "security_type": "ETF", null, } ]]. The table below includes fund flow data for all U.S. listed Leveraged ETFs. "annualized_volatility": 7.47, "2017 00:00": "",

Daily Prophetic Word, Black Mischief The Crucible, Articles O

oldest leveraged etf

oldest leveraged etf