Get your warscore up to the point where the enemy will accept whatever peace deal you want then send a peace deal. If you're the aggressor y. Third Principle: Lives Are Cheap, so Buy Them. did not have this disaster before. Soon there will be nothing left of our beloved nation. Peter was called by his supporters "The Just" and by his detractors "The Cruel". Pretender rebels (size 2 in 15% or size 1 in 85% of the cases.) Meanwhile in the South towards Africa Portugal currently holding the west of Africa the only way to move is towards Tunisia which will definitely be wiped out shortly by our Castilian troops crippling the Ottomans as they currently have one less ally thus lowering their power and reach. Something that will be essential here is that Austria rivals France. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Pretender rebels (size 1) rise up in revolt in targeted province. Save your money and manpower by moving your troops out of the way and let the pretenders take your capital. There are multiple opinions on how to do this war, and Im fine with scumming it up and spamming alt-f4 to ensure that I can get my inheritance. You can't swallow the three provinces. Depending on how close you are to max manpower, you can slacken your recruiting standards then build up to max army size and max navy (build cogs) to complete the mission to prepare for the reconquista, If you want, you can definitely afford to upgrade your admin advisor and probably your diplo advisor to level 2. It was last verified for, /Europa Universalis IV/events/disaster_CastilianCivilWar.txt, PDXCON His illegitimate brother Henry quickly obtained the support of not only the upper noblesse, but France, Aragon, and the Papacy. Otherwise, youll surely get one before your king dies anyway, Once thats out of the way, occupy all of Byzantiums provinces including athens but NOT Constantinople. Better to go England (surrendering French possessions) or even Portugal than Castille IMO. Personally, I kinda like the idea that some disasters are pretty much unavoidable once the conditions for triggering it have occured. The Iberian Wedding event doesn't require you to have the same dynasty as Aragon, so there's no need to remain Trastamara (and you'll probably end up as von Habsburg sooner or later anyway). That is your most reliable way of getting this. What is this event? For Andalusia: After becoming sunni, simply swap your primary culture to Andalusian. The conflict started after the death of king Alfonso XI of Castile in March 1350. If you wage an extended war via mercenaries, you will end up paying off the debt for decades. On the Western extents of Castile the Americas are ripe for colonization as our efforts are extending swiftly at that end. Which is far more than any other of my games xD. Selection of 4 random own provinces that are not the capital province: Noble rebels (size 1) rise in revolt and occupy the fourth province. As a beginner, so far i found England to be the easiest and most fun nation to play. England had attacked Burgundy which ended in a stalement and put my encomony in the sh*tter. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); PLAY AS THE OTTOMANS THEY SAID, IT WILL BE EASY THEY SAID!!!!!! You may want to put your king or Alvaro de Luna on the stack for some extra speed. France gets Grateful for non-interference ( +50 opinion / 2 yearly decay) towards Castile. If country flag luang_prabang_flag is set, Please help with verifying or updating this section. Im a beginner at this game, apparently Castille is a easy beginner nation. Soon there will be nothing left of our beloved nation. Of course, not everything went as smoothly as it went in internal affairs as many loans were taken and multiple economic struggles were afoot between the English succession war all the way until the conquest of Morroco as well as many internal conflicts and rebellions which included the Castilian civil war which started during the Ottoman attacks on Castile around the 1480s which Castile . Aragon gets the event Castilian Civil War (Aragonese event) in 20 days. Do not even go for Morocco, but hold your 1-2 territories there. You may need to ask hungary for access for austria and the others to be smart enough to go and walk into greece, (I have no idea at all why byzantium allied circassia in my game, but usually itll be serbia or wallachia), Try to avoid sieges, but leave 1k stacks on the forts in case the AI decides to run off of it when its done sieging. With English troops led by the prince, he returned to Castile and reasserted his royal power in 1367, forcing Henry to return to France after the successful Battle of Njera (Navarette). If you're the defender that's utterly standard. The Spanish Civil war is inconvenient and requires money to handle but it is just an inconvenience if you know to expect it. The war had a marked international character, as Isabella was married to . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. As the title implies I can't end the Castilian Civil War. Contents 1 Prerequisites 2 Start 2.1 Castilian Civil War 3 Monthly event 3.1 Spread of Civil War 4 Related events 4.1 Castilian Civil War (Portuguese event) If Burgundy has rivaled you, rival them back, and its the same for Aragon if theyve rivaled you. Pretender rebels (size 1) rise up in revolt and occupy a random own core province. Claim tangiers first, then every province they own thats in the sevilla node, Heres a picture of my castilian civil war ending after my war with granada after I let them take over my country, Of course, when you have the torquemada event, youll pick the +1 stab option instead of the conversion option, This is the point at which Castile really begins to pop off even more than you previously would have with just the position and ideas. Peter fled to Bayonne, a city in English-held Gascony. Sometimes france if they rival you. rise in revolt in this province. Dont stab up immediately, just let the pretenders force demands so that your stability is reset to 0, then go up so the disaster can end, Do NOT expel the moriscos in the event, because theyll come back. Makes things more interesting. To start a distaster within another country, switch to it using the tag command. Take everything you know about a chill, peaceful, Castile game, and throw it out the window. EU4 Disaster Command General Information This command will start the disaster with the specified ID within the country you are currently playing as. Civil War[1] is a general disaster that can occur in monarchies with low legitimacy or the Empire of China with low mandate. THE CASTILE. Thats all you need, but if you for whatever reason cant get one of the other two just ally Savoy and maybe the pope. Next ones depend on who has rivaled you. The conflict started after the death of king Alfonso XI of Castile in March 1350. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Pretender rebels (size 1) (friendly to Aragon) rise in revolt and occupy the third province. It may not display this or other websites correctly. It seems that many of the rebels have lost their incentive to fight and as a result large groups are retreating. Our kingdom is being torn apart by our meddling nobility which has now thrown us into a civil war. Stab up twice. Meanwhile the supporters of [Root.Heir.GetName] are making overtures to the Portuguese crown in order to secure the position of their candidate.Things have now spiraled into open conflict and it seems increasingly likely that the faction without royal support will attempt to put their candidate directly on the throne rather than in queue for it. If you can call someone in on promise of land, do so since youre gonna end the war via event and not in a way that requires you to share your winnings, Now that you have two Personal Unions, youre gonna want to start banking up relations and LD to Siphon Income. Opportunistic in-laws are regarding this as the perfect timing to expand their influence and obtain more power. either the end of Castilian Civil War disaster This will tell you when they declare war on Byzantium. In the wake of the conflict the balance of power between Royal power and that of the nobles has shifted, as has our relationship to our neighboring countries. A Royal Marriage can sometimes be a blessing but in our weakened state, due to the clash between the monarch and the aristocracy, it is nothing less than a curse. the monthly pulse of the Civil War disaster. Since its actually closer to Constantinople than Edirne is, you will arrive earlier and will control the siege. Castile: Pretender rebels (size 1) (friendly to Portugal) rise in revolt and occupy the first province. If this continues there is no way we can stop them from taking control over $PROVINCENAME$. It seems like it is only there to paralyze you for the next 10 years.. how are you supposed to defeat 1x 30 stack and 2-3 10x stacks roaming :D. I had no idea that was even a thing. Archived post. Also, with regards to being perpetually at war: it is possible, if somewhat painful. Argon became enemy number 1 after a long struggle with other internal and external affairs thus leading to another war in 1528 which eventually led to the Argonian demise. 2019,, Articles with potentially outdated sections, Articles with potentially outdated infoboxes, Play If the pretender rebels have enforced their demands, If Castile has the modifier Meddled in Internal Affairs towards Aragon, Castile and Aragon get Castilian Civil War ( +75 opinion / 1 yearly decay) towards each others, If Castile has the modifier Meddled in Internal Affairs towards Portugal, Castile and Portugal get Castilian Civil War ( +75 opinion / 1 yearly decay) towards each others. That said, make sure to spam galleys if your focus is inside the mediterranean, Getting a foothold in Britain early can be really valuable since you can collect trade already in the English Channel with the Burgundian Inheritance. Dont be afraid to feed them a lot of Italy or France, Italy is a weird one, youre gonna have to wait until 1490 to start taking land out unless you want to fight the HRE, but its definitely strong to flip Neapolitan after annexing Naples and form Italy, but just isnt the move in my opinion, In my opinion, the best way to go is east into India, however this isnt the only option. Please help with verifying or updating this section. In the average game, my rivals consist of either France/England/Burgundy or France/England/Aragon, Youll want to improve relations with the ottomans in order to get military access from them later, which is going to be very important. The pop up won't tick "fewer rebel controlled provinces then 1" and "spawned rebels aren't pretenders". Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. 14th-century war of succession in the Kingdom of Castile, For the other conflict sometimes called the "Second Castilian Civil War", see, introducing citations to additional sources,, Civil wars involving the states and peoples of Europe, Wars of succession involving the states and peoples of Europe, Articles needing additional references from November 2022, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 15 December 2022, at 12:03. However I can't seem to end the civil war, I have +3 stability (a waste of points it seems) I kill . In the midst of the ongoing chaos small but powerful factions have emerged and each one of them is trying to gain the upper hand by swaying important nobles from our court to side with them and their cause. You don't have anyone that really tries to murder you. You just need to learn to be patient enough to kill mamluks. The country loses 1 stability. If Castile chose option Support [Root.Heir.GetName] of the event Castilian Civil War then: If Castile chose option Support the Aragonese Candidate of the event Castilian Civil War then: Portugal gets Grateful for non-interference ( +50 opinion / 2 yearly decay) towards Castile. We are at an evolutionary standstill and drastic measures must be taken to reclaim our nation's prominence and put an end to the infighting before it is too late. (Or a female heir of age) - Provided Aragon's ruler is male, that is. [From.Monarch.GetName] of France has seen the weakened state our country is in and, eager to oppose Aragon, has decided to back the faction opposing our succession. This thread is archived . The legitimacy of the current heir is being questioned by some leading nobles who would prefer a relative of the King aligned with the Aragonese Crown. In a desperate attempt to save the throne and restore order, $MONARCH$ has turned to $COUNTRY$'s foreign allies asking for help. Chapter 5: Exploration and Colonization of Central AmericaThe colonization of the Americas was probably the most successful story of the entire History of the early 1500s, we began a series of intensive exploration attempts toward the west discovering the Caribbean and modern-day Peru which were the starting point of our colonization attempts in order to exploit and make use of the existing tribes and kingdoms of the area making huge progress through our advanced political and diplomatic movements in the area along with our armies superior firepower. The AI chooses this option in 20% of cases. There are players who refuse to use them except in the most dire circumstances. Contents 1 Prerequisites 2 Start 2.1 Civil War! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Was having a fun run as Castile but the Castilian Civil War disaster fired and wont end and has ruined the game. Ideally, you have Austria as an ally, and if you arent terribly unlucky you have either Aragon or Burgundy too. You can feed Aragon a lot of land, since the formation decision is made to be OK with them having annexed Naples. Mercenaries are as much a source of debate in EUIV as they were for statesmen in Machiavelli's day. The War of the Castilian Succession was the military conflict contested from 1475 to 1479 for the succession of the Crown of Castile fought between the supporters of Joanna 'la Beltraneja', reputed daughter of the late monarch Henry IV of Castile, and those of Henry's half-sister, Isabella, who was ultimately successful.. The weight that no event is triggered is 1000 and for each monthly event 100. Once again the Castilian crown has seen a disputed succession and it seems the country is now on the brink of civil war. If these prerequisites are met, the monthly progress can begin. I personally just go for admin, but diplos fine if you want, Ally whoever spawned the renaissance so they can knowledge share it to you. They have managed to overthrow the local government and have proclaimed $PROVINCENAME$ as theirs. Portugal gets the event Castilian Civil War (Portuguese event) in 10 days. These can be found on the wiki, but essentially consist of Constantinople, a few ottoman provinces in Anatolia, much of Karamans land, and Erzurum from Aq Qoyunlu. The worst you'll suffer from is a few stability hits, which isn't too bad, and you might actually get a king with good stats. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. at least one of the following is true for this country: Every owned provinces in Champasak and Khorat areas, Enacts government reform 'Mandala System', Gets a new ruler of our dynasty comes to power, Every owned provinces in Vientiane and Khorat areas, Every owned provinces in Luang Prabang area. if you REALLY want to avoid disaster play as aragon. Remember, this land is free to state and were fine waiting on it, In order to form Andalusia, we need a couple of provinces from Portugal. The following event may also occur during this disaster. Finish sieging Constantinople with the assistance from ottoman troops, then put all your troops into Achaea and Morea, If youve managed to become the curia controller, call for a crusade against ottomans before declaring war for a major boost to your stats while fighting, Once youre ready, peace out with Byzantium for vassalization and all of their money, Now, you get to call in all of your allies against the Ottomans. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. EUIV: AAR's, Let's Plays, and Fan Fiction, EU IV: Alternate History Short Story Contest Contr. Youll know its coming because they will move troops to Edirne and probably Selanik or Tirhala. Use claims bordering claims to attack Ireland or Scotland, If you didnt get the Habsburg heir event early on, a neat trick that you can do is if Austria gets the Burgundian Inheritance, you can steal it by RMing them with no heir. There is an army just outside the gates of $CAPITAL_CITY$, and the city is about to fall!". or if the pretender rebels have enforced their demands. Around April/June 1445 youre gonna want to put 10k troops on your boats and station them in the Ionian Sea. on Paradox technology, Legal Some parts of the nobility remain undecided yet, and some have chosen to make use of this opportunity to protest against perceived infringement of their old rights in general. What initially began as minor clashes between different factions has turned into pure mayhem. The Castilian Civil War [1] is a disaster in Castile . @Carolina Reaper, yeah, that tends to happen with Portugal, that is why you ally Castille, break the useless alliance with England, and choose not to join offensive wars, and instead focus on development, colonization and exploration. otherwise it's easy. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by . Check the amount of natives in the interface and put around double the troops to guarantee a wipe, Our first project will be tenerife for the Plus Ultra mission, but our real goal is to rush to india as fast as we can, The strategy were gonna utilize is building spy networks on people in other continents, then putting a colony next to them so that we have adjacency for a claim, The way it tends to go for me is that Ill use this to fabricate on Jolof, take their land and core it (Take every TC province that you can, theyre really powerful), then move on to benin, kongo, colonize the cape, then Ill use comoros to fabricate on the Madagascar natives in order to reach India, Youll want to enter through either the Maldives or Ceylon (Sri Lanka) because chartering land is too expensive and a no-cb entrance gives you too much AE, The alliance chains are rough, so make sure to bring 30k+ units for your Indian wars, Try to get 100% of Zanzibar quickly, as your Indian trade will have to flow through there in order to get sent home correctly. Its not a very hard war to win by any means, so you should be cleaning up the ally and maybe finishing up the siege of Morea when the ottomans declare on byzantium. Cookie Notice That can trigger civil wars. News have reached us that they are preparing for a new attack as we speak. Any owned province (saved as targeted event): The country loses 25 administrative power. But maybe i was just lucky, but i just established my first colony on the island of Bermuda. The disaster ends either if the pretender rebels can enforce their demands or if Castile: then it loses the above-mentioned effects and the following event is triggered: With the conclusion of hostilities the Castilian Kingdom is once again at peace internally. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. There is now even support in our capital for the pretender. We are at an evolutionary standstill and drastic measures must be taken to reclaim our nation's prominence and put an end to the infighting before it is too late. Once again the Castilian crown has seen a disputed succession and it seems the country is now on the brink of civil war. If you have a save game showing this problem reliably, please make a new thread in Bug Reports and attach it there. A new such battle seems to be brewing and the succession is again in question. Archived post. The Castilian Civil War | Eu4 MP Memes Ramen Boy 1.25K subscribers Subscribe 4.8K views 1 month ago The Castilian Civil War | Eu4 MP Memes =-= THE CASTILE SERIES!!! Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 1.32. Although this guide can work without that, it will be much more difficult for reasons that youll see quite soon, The very first thing you want to do is rival france and scornfully insult them. Then again I start as Aragon 9/10 times. Castile had chosen option Support the Aragonese Candidate of the event Castilian Civil War then: Pretender rebels (size 1) (friendly to Portugal) rise in revolt in a random own province that is not the capital province. 4 Abilities Feudal De Jure Law: -5 to unrest Justified Wars: Reduced penalty to aggressive expansion Transfer Subject: Can make claims on provinces adjacent to existing claims Improved War Taxes: No cost for imposing war taxes Cavalry Armies: Increase allowed ratio of cavalry in an army by 20% Higher developed colonies: Colonies start with +1 to tax, production and manpower Colonization. Make sure to find time to embargo your rivals without missing an improve relations tick. i.e. It became part of the larger conflict then raging between the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of France: the Hundred Years' War. The AI chooses this option in 40% of cases. Information, Frequently Asked The naval AI in 1.24 builds tiny fleets so it's fine, just put your fleet in channel during war and add a heavy ship every now and then to ensure it's larger than anything AI has. If you dont have austria, at least try to get one of aragon / burgundy. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), The country loses 20 prestige. I prefer admin, but neutral works fine, Improve relations with Byzantium throughout your war with the Ottomans, At some point, your king will die, leaving you in a queen-regency, although this could be a while before it happens. The War of the Roses on the other hand is usually an opportunity to get a really nice leader :) It wasn't the Spanish Civil war, it was called Castilian Civil war. Castile and Aragon are two very powerful nations in EU4, and binding them together is a great way to start building a Spanish empire. Probably because I made both of my ruler and heir generals, got them to die, had a Queen Regency, and got the Iberian Wedding in both. It was last verified for, /Europa Universalis IV/common/disasters/civil_war.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/disaster_CivilWar.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/flavorLXA.txt, PDXCON Civil war disaster has been ongoing for at least 1 year. JavaScript is disabled. The weight that no event is triggered is 120 and for each monthly event it is 1. Privacy Policy. They follow the state religion. The morale of our troops is sinking and groups of deserters have been spotted joining the rebel ranks. There, he petitioned Edward, the Black Prince, for aid and, in exchange for lands in Castile, received it. 'civil_war'. Leave your merchants how the game has them, Move your armies and navy to Murcia, and turn both your king and heir into generals, For rivals, were gonna be picking quite carefully. Enrico died many of times since this faithful thread. Other easy nation is Ottoman. If you have the most heavies and enough lights / cogs, you shouldnt be losing many naval battles. Privacy Policy. the war ended with a major Ottoman victory. The province is under siege by rebels. I thought obnoxious scripted civil wars were only a Britain and Vijayanagar thing. Itll kill your heir, but thats 100% fine because our new king will be young. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast . Vientiane does not exist. Portugal gets the event Castilian Civil War (Portuguese event) in 10 days. 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